Introduction to Data Science I
STAT 11800=CMSC 11800
Dan Nicolae and Michael Franklin
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50 AM
Ryerson 251
Elementary Statistics
STAT 20000
Kendra Burbank
Sec 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Stuart 102
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Kendra Burbank
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Social Sciences 122
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Kendra Burbank
Sec 2: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Social Sciences 122
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Yandi Shen
Sec 3: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
MS 112 (5727 S. University Ave)
Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 22400=PBHS 32400
Yibi Huang
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM–10:20 AM
Social Sciences 122
Epidemiology and Population Health
STAT 22810=ENST 27400, HLTH 20910, PBHS 30910, PPHA 36410
Diane Lauderdale
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
BSLC 001
Statistical Models and Methods I
STAT 23400
Fei Liu
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM–10:20 AM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Models and Methods I
STAT 23400
Fei Liu
Sec 2: MWF 12:30 PM–1:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Numerical Linear Algebra
STAT 24300=STAT 30750
Alexander Strang
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Theory and Methods I
STAT 24400
Rina Foygel Barber
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Theory and Methods I
STAT 24400
Yi Sun
Sec 2: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Hinds 101
Statistical Theory and Methods Ia
STAT 24410=STAT 30030
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Harper 140
Introduction to Mathematical Probability
STAT 25100
Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre
Sec 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Eckhart 133
Introduction to Mathematical Probability
STAT 25100
Daniel Massatt
Sec 2: MWF 11:30 AM–12:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Time Dependent Data
STAT 26100=STAT 33600
Wei Biao Wu
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Eckhart 133
Introduction to Causality with Machine Learning
STAT 27420
Victor Veitch
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM-4:50 PM
Rosenwald 011
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
STAT 27700=CMSC 25300
Rebecca Willett
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Ryerson 251
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
STAT 27700=CMSC 25300
Rebecca Willett
Sec 2: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Ryerson 251
Undergraduate Research
STAT 29700
Mary Sara McPeek
Sec 1
Bachelor's Paper
STAT 29900
Mary Sara McPeek
Sec 1
Statistical Theory and Methods Ia
STAT 30030=STAT 24410
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Harper 140
Distribution Theory
STAT 30400
Wei Biao Wu
Sec 1: MW 9:00 AM-10:20 AM
Jones 303
Numerical Linear Algebra
STAT 30750=STAT 24300
Alexander Strang
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Mathematical Computation I: Matrix Computation Course
STAT 30900=CAAM 30900, CMSC 37810
Lek-Heng Lim
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation
STAT 31150=CAAM 31150
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Pick 016
Introduction to Stochastic Processes I
STAT 31200
Mei Wang
Sec 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Harper 148
Inverse Problems in Imaging
STAT 31230=CAAM 31230
Guillaume Bal
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Jones 226
Applied Dynamical Systems
STAT 31410=CAAM 31410
Mary Silber
Sec 1: MW 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
Jones 303
Applied Linear Algebra
STAT 31430=CAAM 31430
Eric Baer
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Ryerson 177
Applied Analysis
STAT 31440=CAAM 31440
Eric Baer
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM–10:20 AM
Social Sciences 106
Probability and Statistics
STAT 32400=BUSN 41901
Tetsuya Kaji
Sec 50: W 1:30 PM–4:30 PM
Harper Center 3A
Multivariate Data Analysis via Matrix Decompositions
STAT 32940=CAAM 32940, FINM 33180
Lek-Heng Lim
Sec 1: M 6:00 PM–8:50 PM
MS 112 (5727 S. University Ave)
Sample Surveys
STAT 33100
Kirk Wolter
Sec 1: MW 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
Jones 226
Time-Series Analysis for Forecasting and Model Building
STAT 33500=BUSN 41910
Jeffrey Russell
Sec 50: F 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Harper Center 3B
Time Dependent Data
STAT 33600=STAT 26100
Wei Biao Wu
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Eckhart 133
Applied Linear Statistical Methods
STAT 34300
Rina Foygel Barber
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Data Analysis Project
STAT 34900
Mary Sara McPeek
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Jones 226
Genomic Evolution I
STAT 35410=ECEV 35901, EVOL 35901
Manyuan Long
Sec 1: Th 3:00 PM–5:30 PM
Stochastic Processes in Gene Regulation
STAT 35420=CAAM 35420, ECEV 35420, MGCB 35420
John Reinitz
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Jones 226
Statistical Applications
STAT 35800=CHDV 32702, PBHS 33500
Robert Gibbons
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
BSLC 202
Topics in Deep Learning: Generative Models
STAT 37792
Yali Amit
Sec 1: MW 12:00 PM-1:20 PM
Jones 226
Topics in Machine Learning: Symmetries and Harmonic Analysis
STAT 37796
Risi Kondor
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Stuart 102
Topics in Mathematical Data Science: Spectral Methods and Nonconvex Optimization
STAT 37797
Cong Ma
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM-4:50 PM
Kent 101
Scientific Computing with Python
STAT 37830=CAAM 37830
Yuehaw Khoo
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50 AM
Stuart 102
Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus
STAT 38510=MATH 38511
Greg Lawler
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM–10:20 AM
Jones 226
Master's Seminar
STAT 39900
Mei Wang
Sec 1
Reading and Research: Statistics
STAT 40100
Consulting in Statistics
STAT 44100
Mei Wang
Sec 1: W 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Jones 303
Introduction to Data Science I
STAT 11800=CMSC 11800, DATA 11800
William Trimble
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Hinds 101
Introduction to Data Science II
STAT 11900=CMSC 11900, DATA 11900
Dan Nicolae and Michael Franklin
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Social Sciences 122
Elementary Statistics Through Case Study
STAT 20010
Kendra Burbank
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Stuart 20
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Fei Liu
Section 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Fei Liu
Section 2: MWF 11:30 AM–12:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Yibi Huang
Section 3: MWF 12:30 PM–1:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Regression Analysis for Health and Social Research
STAT 22401=PBHS 32410
James Dignam
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
BSLC 324
Analysis of Categorical Data
STAT 22600=PBHS 32600
Yibi Huang
Section 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Hinds 101
Statistical Models and Method 1
STAT 23400
Yali Amit
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Kent 120
Numerical Linear Algebra
STAT 24300=STAT 30750
Jeremy Hoskins
Section 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Stuart 105
Statistical Theory and Method 1
STAT 24400
Yuehaw Khoo
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Cummings 101
Statistical Theory and Method 2
STAT 24500
John Reinitz
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
MS 112
Statistical Theory and Method 2a
STAT 24510=STAT 30040
Mei Wang
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Introduction to Random Matrices
STAT 25211
Alisa Knizel
Section 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Ryerson 177
Introduction to Probability Models
STAT 25300=STAT 31700
Cong Ma
Section 1: MWF 12:30 PM–1:20 PM
Ryerson 251
Nonparametric Inference
STAT 27400=STAT 37400
Claire Donnat
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM-4:50PM
Eckhart 133
Machine Learning
STAT 27725=CMSC 25400
Yuxin Chen
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Ryerson 251
Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability
STAT 27850=STAT 30850
Rina Foygel Barber
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Eckhart 133
Dynamical Systems with Applications
STAT 28200=CAAM 28200
Alexander Strang
Section 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Jones 226
Undergraduate Research: Statistics
STAT 29700
Mary Sara McPeek
Bachelor's Paper: Statistics
STAT 29900
Mary Sara McPeek
Statistical Theory and Method 2a
STAT 30040=STAT 24510
Mei Wang
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Mathematical Statistics 1
STAT 30100
Chao Gao
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
KPTC 105
Numerical Linear Algebra
STAT 30750=STAT 24300
Jeremy Hoskins
Section 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Stuart 105
Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability
STAT 30850=STAT 27850
Rina Foygel Barber
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Eckhart 133
Mathematical Computation IIA: Convex Optimization
STAT 31015=BUSN 36903, CAAM 31015, CMSC 35470, TTIC 31070
Hongyuan Mei
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
TTIC 530
Mathematical Computation IIB: Nonlinear Optimization
STAT 31020=CAAM 31020
Mihai Anitescu
Section 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Mathematical Computation III: Numerical Methods for PDEs
STAT 31100=CAAM 31100, CMSC 37812, MATH 38309
Jeremy Hoskins
Section 1: MW 10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Jones 303
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations
STAT 31120=CAAM 31120
Zhongjian Wang
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Jones 226
Applied Functional Analysis
STAT 31210=CAAM 31210
Guillaume Bal
Section 1: MW 9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Jones 226
Applied Fourier Analysis
STAT 31460=CAAM 31460
Eric Baer
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50AM
Jones 226
Introduction to Probability Models
STAT 31700=STAT 25300
Cong Ma
Section 1: MWF 12:30 PM–1:20 PM
Ryerson 251
Introduction to Causal Inference
STAT 31900=CHDV 30102, MACS 51000, PBHS 43201, PLSC 30102, SOCI 30315
Kazuo Yamaguchi
Section 1: W 4:30 PM–5:50 PM
1155 Building 289B
Gaussian Processes with Applications to Modern Statistical Problems
STAT 33611
Yandi Shen
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
Hinds 180
Financial Statistics: Time-Series, Forecasting, Mean Reversion, and High Frequency Data
STAT 33910=FINM 33170
Per Mykland
Section 1: F 1:30 PM–4:20 PM
MS 112
Generalized Linear Models
STAT 34700
Jingshu Wang
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Introduction to Clinical Trials
STAT 35201=PBHS 32901
Mei-Yin Chen Polley
Section 1: TR 2:00 PM–3:20 PM
BSLC 205
Fundamentals of Computational Biology: Models and Inference
STAT 35450=HGEN 48600
Matthew Stephens
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
BSLC 008
Epidemiological Methods
STAT 35700=PBHS 31001
Brian Chiu
Section 1: TR 12:30 PM–1:50 PM
BSLC 202
Random Growth Model and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation
STAT 36510
Yier Lin
Section 1: MW 9:00 AM-10:20 AM
Jones 303
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
STAT 36900=CHDV 32501, PBHS 33300
Donald Hedeker
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
BSLC 218
Nonparametric Inference
STAT 37400=STAT 27400
Claire Donnat
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM-4:50PM
Eckhart 133
Topological Data Analysis
STAT 37411=CAAM 37411
Bradley Nelson
Section 1: MW 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
Jones 226
Topics in Machine Learning: Scientific Computing Tools for High-Dimensional Problems
STAT 37798
Yuehaw Khoo
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Eckhart 207A
Topics in Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Inverse Problems
STAT 37799=CMSC 37799
Rebecca Willett
Section 1: M 9:30 AM-12:20 PM
Hinds 180
Scientific Computing with Python
STAT 37830=CAAM 37830
Bradley Nelson
Section 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Kent 101
Measure-Theoretic Probability I
STAT 38100
Alisa Knizel
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Ryerson 277
Topics in Random Matrix Theory
STAT 38520=CAAM 38520
Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre
Section 1: MW 12:00 PM-1:20 PM
Jones 226
Master's Seminar: Statistics
STAT 39900
Mei Wang
Reading and Research: Statistics
STAT 40100
High-Dimensional Statistics I
STAT 41500
Chao Gao
Section 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Ryerson 358
Topics in Causal Inference
STAT 41530
Jingshu Wang
Section 1: TR 11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Kent 103
Theories of Cortical Circuit Dynamics and Computation
STAT 42610=CAAM 42610, CPNS 32610
Brent Doiron
Section 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Jones 226
Consulting in Statistics
STAT 44100
Mei Wang and Claire Donnat
Section 1: W 12:00 PM–1:00 PM
Jones 303
Introduction to Data Science II
STAT 11900=DATA 11900, CMSC 11900
William Trimble
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Hinds 101
Elementary Statistics
STAT 20000
Kendra Burbank
Sec 1: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Rosenwald 011
Statistical Methods and Applications-1
STAT 22000
Fei Liu
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM–10:20 AM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Methods and Applications-2
STAT 22000
Mary Silber
Sec 2: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
Eckhart 133
Linear Models and Experimental Design
STAT 22200
Yibi Huang
Sec 1: MWF 10:30 AM-11:20 AM
Kent 120
Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 22400=PBHS 32400
Kendra Burbank
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM-2:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Biostatistical Methods
STAT 22700
Lin Chen
Sec 1: TR 12:30 PM-1:50 PM
BSLC 324
Statistical Models and Method 1
Yier Lin
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Models and Method 1
STAT 23400
Daniel Xiang
Sec 2: TR 12:30 PM-1:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Models and Method 1
STAT 23400
Chih-Hsuan Wu
Sec 3: TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Statistical Theory and Method 2
STAT 24500
Mihai Anitescu
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
CLSC 101
Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Applications and Techniques
STAT 24620=STAT 32950
Mei Wang
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Kent 107
Causal Inference Methods and Case Studies
STAT 24630
Jingshu Wang
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Eckhart 308
Introduction to Mathematical Probability-1
STAT 25100
Yi Sun
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Hinds 101
Introduction to Mathematical Probability-2
STAT 25100
Zhongjian Wang
Sec 2: MW 3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Hinds 101
Introduction to Mathematical Probability-A
STAT 25150
Robert Fefferman
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Eckhart 133
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT 27410
Fei Liu
Sec 1: MWF 11:30 AM-12:20 PM
Stuart 104
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
STAT 27700=CMSC 25300, CMSC 35300
Eric Jonas
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Ryerson 178
Further Topics in Machine Learning
STAT 27750
Victor Veitch
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Ryerson 255
STAT 28000=CAAM 28000
Lek-Heng Lim
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Eckhart 133
Undergrad Research: Statistics
STAT 29700
Mary Sara McPeek
Bachelor's Paper: Statistics
STAT 29900
Mary Sara McPeek
Mathematical Statistics II
STAT 30200
Claire Donnat
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
Eckhart 117
High Dimensional Time Series Analysis
STAT 30810
Wei Biao Wu
Sec 1: MWF 9:30 AM-10:20 AM
Cobb 119
Partial Differential Equations
STAT 31220=CAAM 31220
Guillaume Bal
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
Jones 226
Variational Methods in Image Processing
STAT 31240=CAAM 31240
Eric Baer
Sec 1: MW 9:00 AM-10:20 AM
Jones 226
Applied Partial Differential Equations
STAT 31450=CAAM 31450
Jeremy Hoskins
Sec 1: MW 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
Jones 226
Monte Carlo Simulation
STAT 31511=CAAM 31511
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Harper 130
Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Applications and Techniques
STAT 32950=STAT 24620
Mei Wang
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM–10:50 AM
Kent 107
Bayesian Statistical Inference and Machine Learning
STAT 33400=FINM 33200
Sec 1: F 1:30 PM–4:20 PM
Kent 107
Modern Methods in Applied Statistics
STAT 34800
Matthew Stephens
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM–4:50 PM
Eckhart 133
Fundamentals of Computational Biology: Algorithms and Applications
STAT 35460
Mengjie Chen and Xin He
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM–2:50 PM
BSLC 305
Statistical Genetics
STAT 35500
Mary Sara McPeek
Sec 1: W 1:30 PM-4:20 PM
Jones 303
Applied Bayesian Modeling and Inference
STAT 35920=PBHS 43010
Yuan Ji
Sec 1: TR 12:30 PM–1:50 PM
BSLC 313
Machine Learning and Large-Scale Data Analysis
STAT 37601=CMSC 25025
Yali Amit
Sec 1: TR 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
Ryerson 251
Machine Learning
STAT 37710=CAAM 37710, CMSC 35400
Yuxin Chen
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50 PM
Stuart 102
Machine Learning on Graphs, Groups, and Manifolds
STAT 37788
Risi Kondor
Sec 1: MW 1:30 PM-2:50 PM
Ryerson 176
Topics in Machine Learning: Learning in Games
STAT 37789
Alexander Strang
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50 AM
Jones 226
Topics in Deep Learning: Discriminative Models
STAT 37793
Yi Sun
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Jones 226
Causal Inference with Machine Learning
STAT 37795
Victor Veitch
Sec 1: TR 3:30 PM-4:50 PM
Jones 226
Measure-Theoretic Probability III
STAT 38300
Per Mykland
Sec 1: TR 11:00 AM-12:20 PM
Jones 226
Stochastic Calculus
STAT 39000=FINM 34500
Greg Lawler
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Kent 107
Stochastic Calculus I
STAT 39010=FINM 34510
Greg Lawler
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Kent 107
Stochastic Calculus II
STAT 39020=FINM 34520
Greg Lawler
Sec 1: MW 3:00 PM-4:20 PM
Kent 107
Master's Seminar: Statistics
STAT 39900
Mei Wang
Reading and Research: Statistics
STAT 40100
Theoretical Neuroscience: Statistics and Information Theory
STAT 42600=CPNS 35600, ORGB 42600
Stephanie Palmer
Sec 1: TR 9:30 AM-10:50 AM
Kent 103
Consulting in Statistics
STAT 44100
Mei Wang and Claire Donnat
Sec 1: W 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Jones 303
Pathways in Data Science
STAT 10118
Phillip Lo, Adela DePavia
Sec 94: MTWRF 9:00 AM-3:00 PM (7/5/2022 - 7/21/2022)
Stuart 104
Data Science in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
STAT 13820
Yin Kwong Lee
Sec 94: MTWRF 6:00 PM-8:00 PM (7/5/2022 - 8/5/2022)
Statistical Methods and Applications
STAT 22000
Yibi Huang
Sec 91: MWF 1:30 PM-3:30 PM (6/13/2022 - 7/15/2022)
Field Research
STAT 39800
Mei Wang
Reading and Research: Statistics
STAT 40100