Past Events


Yuan Tian

DSI Events: Yuan Tian

2:00–3:00 pm In-Person and Live Stream or Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Joint Seminar
YUAN TIAN (University of Virginia)
“When AI Meets Privacy: Building Privacy-preserving AI Systems”

Feb 17
Ana Marasovic

DSI Events: Ana Marasović

2:00–3:00 pm In-Person and Live Stream or Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Candidate Seminar
ANA MARASOVIĆ, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Washington
“Self-Explaining for Intuitive Interaction with AI”

Feb 15
Yihong Wu

Statistics Colloquium: Yihong Wu

4:30–5:30 pm In-Person and via Zoom

YIHONG WU, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Yale University
“Spectral Graph Matching: Theory and Algorithms”

Feb 14
Josephine Santoso

Student Seminar: Josephine Santoso

11:00–11:30 am Via Zoom

Master’s Thesis Presentation
Josephine Santoso, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Analysis of Serial Founder Effect on Phonemic Diversity”

Feb 11
Benjamin Ticknor

Student Seminar: Benjamin Ticknor

10:00–10:30 am In-Person

Master’s Thesis Presentation
Benjamin Ticknor, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“A Bayesian Method for Automated Golf Course Difficulty Rating”

Feb 11
Chara Podimata

DSI Events: Chara Podimata

2:00–3:00 pm In-Person and Live Stream or Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Candidate Seminar
CHARA PODIMATA, PhD Candidate, Harvard University
“Incentive-Aware Machine Learning for Decision Making”
Host:  Raul Castro Fernandez

Feb 10
Pinhan Chen, PhD Candidate

Student Seminar: Pinhan Chen

4:00–5:00 pm Via Zoom

Dissertation Presentation and Defense
Pinhan Chen, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Full Ranking”

Feb 9
Krikamol Muandet

Statistics Colloquium: Krikamol Muandet

4:30–5:30 pm In-Person and Live Stream or Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Candidate Seminar
KRIKAMOL MUANDET, Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
“Toward Reliable Machine Learning with Kernels”
Host: Victor Veitch

Feb 7
Lihua Lei

Statistics Colloquium: Lihua Lei

3:30–4:30 pm Via Live Stream and Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Candidate Seminar
LIHUA LEI, Postdoctoral Research Scholar
“What Can Conformal Inference Offer To Statistics?”
Host: Dan Nicolae

Feb 3
Rowan Zellers

DSI Events: Rowan Zellers

3:00–4:00 pm In-Person and Live Stream or Zoom

Data Science Institute/Computer Science/Statistics Candidate Seminar
ROWAN ZELLERS, PhD Candidate, University of Washington
“Grounding Language by Seeing, Hearing, and Interacting”

Feb 2