Past Events


Dong Xie, MS Student

Student Seminar: Dong Xie

11:45 am–12:45 pm Via Zoom

Master’s Thesis Presentation
DONG XIE, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Simultaneous Predictions with Factor Model”

Apr 10
Alexander Wei-Tsun Chen, MS Student

Student Seminar: Alexander Wei-Tsun Chen

11:00–11:30 am Via Zoom

Master’s Thesis Presentation
ALEXANDER WEI-TSUN CHEN, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Quantifying Gene Expression Dispersion Patterns in Differentiated Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”

Apr 10
Molly Offer-Westort

Statistics Colloquium: Molly Offer-Westort

4:30–5:30 pm Jones 303

MOLLY OFFER-WESTORT, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago
“Design of adaptive experiments for policy learning and evaluation”

Apr 3

CAM and Stats Student Seminar: Allen Poteshman

12:30–1:30 pm Jones 303

ALLEN POTESHMAN, Vatic Investments

Apr 3

Student Seminar: Liang Yu Lin

12:00–12:30 pm Via Zoom

Master’s Thesis Presentation
LIANG YU LIN, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Copula-based GARCH model — Application on stock and bond returns”

Apr 3
Yuantao Shi, MS Student

Student Seminar: Yuantao Shi

11:30 am–12:00 pm Via Zoom

Master’s Thesis Presentation
YUANTAO SHI, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“High-Dimensional Online Change-Point Detection”

Apr 3
Stephen Kirkland

CAM Colloquium: Stephen Kirkland

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

STEPHEN KIRKLAND, Department of Mathematics, University of Manitoba
“Kemeny’s constant for an undirected graph: how much can adding one edge change things?”

Mar 30

CAM Colloquium: Xiuyuan Cheng

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

XIUYUAN CHENG,  Department of Mathematics, Duke University
“Gaussian Kernelized Graph Laplacian: Eigen-Convergence and Bi-Stochastic Normalization “

Mar 28

Statistics Colloquium: Yuting Wei

4:30–5:30 pm Jones 303

YUTING WEI, Department of Statistics and Data Science, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
“A Non-asymptotic Framework for Approximate Message Passing Algorithm”

Mar 27
Peter Nekrasov, CCAM PhD student

CAM and Stats Student Seminar: Peter Nekrasov

12:30–1:30 pm Jones 226

PETER NEKRASOV, Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics
“Band gaps in Artic ice shelves with periodic surface rolls”

Mar 27