Past Events


Lingfu Zhang

Statistics Colloquium: Lingfu Zhang

11:30 am–12:30 pm Jones 303

Monday, January 8, 2024, at 11:30 AM, in Jones 303, 5747 South Ellis Avenue
Joint Colloquium with the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM)
Lingfu Zhang, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
“Probabilistic Perspective Toward Last Passage Percolation and KPZ”

Jan 8
Dan Mikulincer

Statistics Colloquium: Dan Mikulincer

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 4:00 PM, in Jones 303, 5747 South Ellis Avenue
Joint Colloquium with the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM)
Dan Mikulincer, MIT Mathematics
“Diffusion-based probabilistic flows and low distortion mappings”

Jan 4


Nisha Chandramoorthy, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Tech

CAM Colloquium: Nisha Chandramoorthy

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

Nisha Chandramoorthy, School of Computational Science and Engineering College of Computing, Georgia Tech
“Rigorous Computation of Linear Response and Sampling”

Dec 7
Anna Gilbert, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University

Statistics Colloquium: Anna Gilbert

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

Joint colloquium with The Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM) and the Data Science Institute (DSI)
Anna Gilbert, Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University
“Project and Forget: Solving Large-Scale Metric Constrained Problems”

Nov 30
Juan de Pablo

AI+Science Schmidt Fellows Speaker Series: Juan de Pablo

4:30–6:00 pm William Eckhardt Research Center, Room 401

Juan de Pablo, Executive Vice President for Science, Innovation, National Laboratories, and Global Initiatives, University of Chicago
“Polymer design in the era of machine learning”

Nov 28
Soumyabrata Kundu, PhD student

CAM and Stats Student Seminar: Soumyabrata Kundu

12:30–1:30 pm Jones 303

Soumyabrata Kundu, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Optimal Heteroskedasticity Testing in Random Design”

Nov 28

Student Seminar: An Xie

2:00–2:30 pm Jones 111

Master’s Thesis Presentation
An Xie, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“On two-step estimation of extreme VaR: would incorporating realized measures and bias-adjusted extreme value index estimation boost accuracy?”

Nov 27

Autumn 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series: Q. Vera Liao

12:00–1:30 pm John Crerar Library, Room 390

Q. Vera Liao, FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics of AI) Group, Microsoft Research
“Human-Centered AI Transparency”

Presented by the Data Science Institute in partnership with the Departments of Statistics, Computer Science, and the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics


Nov 17
Mirjeta Pasha, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Tufts University

CAM Colloquium: Mirjeta Pasha

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

Mirjeta Pasha, Department of Mathematics, Tufts University
“Bayesian and Deterministic Methods with Edge-Preserving Priors for Spatio-Temporal Large-Scale Inverse Problems”

Nov 16
Yating Liu, PhD Student

CAM and Stats Student Seminar: Yating Liu

12:30–1:30 pm Jones 303

Yating Liu, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
“Sparse topic modeling via spectral decomposition and thresholding”

Nov 14