Lecture 9: Thursday, May 5, 2022

We are pleased to have Professor Fredrik Viklund, Department of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, as our honored speaker.

Thursday, May 5, 2022, at 4:30 PM, in Kent 120, 1024 E. 58th Street
Reception following the lecture at 5:30 PM, in Eckhart 209, 5734 S. University Avenue

"Interface dynamics and conformal maps"

ABSTRACT:  A range of phenomena in nature can be modelled as a monotone evolution of an interface in the plane, with the dynamics being in some way related to harmonic measure. Examples include (deterministic) Hele-Shaw flow and (random) aggregation models such as DLA. While such models are often very hard to analyze, some progress has been achieved for simplified models using conformal maps and the Loewner differential equation. I will survey some of the models, tools, and results along with open questions. Based in part on joint works with Amanda Turner (Lancaster) and Alan Sola (SU) and with Yilin Wang (MIT).

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