Winter 2020 STAT 22600=PBHS 32600

Course: STAT 22600=PBHS 32600

Title: Analysis of Categorical Data

Instructor(s):  Yibi Huang

Teaching Assistant(s): Xialiang Dou, Joonsuk Kang, Vasileios Katsianos

Class Schedule: Sec 01: TR 12:30 PM–1:50 PM in MS 112

Office Hours: 

Textbook(s): Agresti, Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition

Description: This course covers statistical methods for the analysis of qualitative and counted data. Topics include description and inference for binomial and multinomial data using proportions and odds ratios; multi-way contingency tables; generalized linear models for discrete data; logistic regression for binary responses; multi-category logit models for nominal and ordinal responses; loglinear models for counted data; and inference for matched-pairs and correlated data. Applications and interpretations of statistical models are emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): STAT 22000 or 23400 or 24500 or 24510 and two quarters of calculus.