Course: STAT 22000
Title: Statistical Methods and Applications
Instructor(s): Mary Silber
Teaching Assistant(s): Yi Wang and Youngseok Kim
Class Schedule: Sec 02: MWF 10:30 AM–11:20 AM in Eckhart 133
Office Hours:
Textbook(s): Diez, Barr, Çetinkaya-Rundel, OpenIntro Statistics, 3rd edition.
Description: This course introduces statistical techniques and methods of data analysis, including the use of statistical software. Examples are drawn from the biological, physical, and social sciences. Students are required to apply the techniques discussed to data drawn from actual research. Topics include data description, graphical techniques, exploratory data analyses, random variation and sampling, basic probability, random variables and expected values, confidence intervals and significance tests for one- and two-sample problems for means and proportions, chi-square tests, linear regression, and, if time permits, analysis of variance.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 13100 or placement into MATH 15100
Note(s): Students may count either STAT 22000 or 23400, but not both, toward the forty-two credits required for graduation. Students with credit for STAT 23400 not admitted. This course meets one of the general education requirements in the mathematical sciences. Only one of STAT 20000 and STAT 22000, but not both, can count toward the general education requirement in the mathematical sciences.