Honorary Degrees awarded by the Department of Statistics

Terrence Speed
Professor, Head of the Bioinformatics Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, in Melbourne, Australia, and Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
Doctor of Science
Five Hundred Nineteenth Convocation
June 14, 2014

David Donoho
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the Humanities and Sciences, and Professor of Statistics
Doctor of Science
Five Hundredth Convocation
October 9, 2009

Grace Wahba
I. J. Schoenberg-Hilldale Professor of Statistics, Professor of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, and Professor of Computer Sciences (by courtesy), University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Nineth Convocation
June 8, 2007

Persi Diaconis
The Mary V. Sunseri Professor and Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Seventy Third Convocation
June 13, 2003

David Aldous
Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Sixty Second Convocation
November 2, 2000

Bradley Efron
Professor in the Departments of Statistics and Health Research and Policy, Stanford University
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Thirty-ninth Convocation
June 9, 1995

Ulf Grenander
L. Herbert Ballou University Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Thirty-fifth Convocation
June 10, 1994

Charles Stein
Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Stanford University
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Twenty-sixth Convocation
June 12, 1992

Erich L. Lehmann
Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
Doctor of Science
Four Hundred Twenty-third Convocation
October 3, 1991

Frederick Mosteller
Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Harvard University
Doctor of Science
Three Hundred Forty-sixth Convocation
October 26, 1973

John Wilder Tukey
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Princeton University, and Bell Telephone Laboratories
Doctor of Science
Three Hundred Twenty-eighth Convocation
June 13, 1969

Maurice Stevenson Bartlett
Professor and Head, Department of Statistics, University College, London, England
Doctor of Science
Three Hundred Fourteenth Convocation
June 10, 1966

Jerzy Neyman
Director of the Statistical Laboratory, and Research Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Doctor of Science
Two Hundred Eighty-second Convocation
June 12, 1959

Harold Hotelling
Professor of Statistics, University of North Carolina
Doctor of Laws
Two Hundred Sixty-seventh Convocation
November 11, 1955

Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics, University of Cambridge, England
Doctor of Science
Two Hundred Fifty-first Convocation
June 13, 1952