CAM and Stats Student Seminar:  Suzanna Parkinson

12:30–1:30 pm Jones 303

5747 S. Ellis Avenue

Suzanna Parkinson

Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics

"The Role of Depth in Neural Networks: a Representation Cost Perspective"


Even shallow neural networks can approximate any continuous function, so why do deeper networks often outperform shallow ones? One approach to this question is via representation costs, or the norms of parameters needed to represent functions using different neural network architectures. The inductive bias associated with weight decay is towards functions will smaller cost, and so low-cost functions will be easier to learn. I will discuss characterizations of which kinds of functions have low representation cost under various network architecture assumptions, including adding linear layers to a ReLU network. I will also discuss how understanding representation costs can lead to insight into which kinds of functions can be efficiently learned. In particular, there exist functions that can be learned with polynomially many samples using a 3-layer network, but require exponentially many samples to be learned with a 2-layer network.  

Event Type

Student Seminars, Seminars

Oct 24